- Story Group -
A supportive place to workshop our stories.
Story Group
Do you enjoy writing personal short stories, narrative essays or memoirs? Do you like telling tales from your life's experiences?
Come along to learn more about us or to test the waters with a friendly, supportive group of local storytellers.
Story Group is a great casual morning where we tease out our story ideas over a coffee. We hold these monthly groups as a way for people to prep and workshop their stories for our quarterly Storytelling Nights. It's also a great way for newcomers to get a feel for oral storytelling.
There is never any pressure to tell a story until you feel ready.
We meet on the third or fourth Sunday of the month at a Nimbin venue (TBC each month), 10am -12pm. All are welcome.
2025 Story Group dates are:
19 January
23 February
16 March
27 April
18 May
15 June
20 July
17 August
21 September
19 October
16 November
We'll take a break over December

Story Group Guidlines
These guidelines have been put in place so we can take care of each other. Following the guidelines helps us conduct our group meetings in the most beneficial way for everybody.
Sometimes a story may reveal personal information that needs to stay within the group.
Please respect each other’s privacy.
Active listening:
Often, when we should be listening, we may be thinking about what to say next. Active listening is listening with intent – really hearing what the speaker is saying.
Do not interrupt when someone is telling their story. Save your questions, comments and feedback for when they have finished.
Supportive, nonjudgmental comments:
​Everyone has their own personal way of delivering and telling their story.
When giving feedback, listen for story structure/sequence, descriptive details, and feelings.
Frame your feedback around what makes the story work for you, what you love about it, and what you would like to hear more of.
We have all done things we may not feel proud of even when they end up helping us to learn right from wrong. The hardest lessons may be the most important ones. It is not our place to offer advice beyond simple acknowledgement that we have heard the story and we understand the pain it may have caused.
We gather in an atmosphere of acceptance. Refrain from making judgments or offering solutions.
Keeping on track
All members of the group may step in to respectfully say when they feel the conversation is going off topic or veering away from our guidelines.